Friday, January 17, 2025

The Sailor

"The Sailor," oil on panel, 14x11
A casual portrait of a man at the tiller of a sailboat, from a decade or so ago. Many times portraits are made to cover the entire surface, but in casual work some of the image may be omitted.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Winter Watercolor

In winter, when green is no longer the dominant color of the landscape, colors that flashed brightly go mute. The trees that still cling to a few leaves are mostly rust-colored, or perhaps even dull brown. But as you look you begin to see faint color, muted to be sure, but color nonetheless. Many think winters are mostly black and white but for the serious observer there is abundant color.

"Sherman Hill, Winter," wc/ink on paper, about 3.5x5
Last Saturday all of us in the sketch group elected outdoor scenes. Like the rest, I sketched and painted in the warmth of my car. You can see that many different colors are there--even the distant, silhouetted trees have distant hues. This is the foot of the old neighborhood called Sherman Hill, where I often work outdoors.

Friday, January 10, 2025


"Vista," oil on panel 4x6
This little sketch took just thirty minutes or so one morning, as an exercise in paint handling and brush work. It is an imaginary mountain scene, based on many trips to the Rockies and other mountainous places. It was fun establishing the spatial perspective of distant pale blue mountains against a roseate sky.

Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Tropical Dome

Last Saturday was cold and grey, so half of the sketch group went indoors to the Des Moines Botanical Garden dome. Under their geodesic dome the air is warm, humid, and aromatic with plant life. While painting outdoors or in my car was an alternative, this environment was too luscious, too luxurious to pass up. I even renewed my membership.

"At the Botanical Center," wc/ink on paper 8x10
There is a balcony around maybe one third of the dome, with tables and a wonderful view of the entire terrarium-like interior. The staff has arranged potted plants of many kinds at each end of the balcony, near the stairs. I sat at one of the tables and sketched a partial view of potted palms, huge amaryllis blossoms, and other plants. To finish this I would add more of the darker blue-green tree foliage as a backdrop and complete the other palm.

Friday, January 03, 2025

Coffee Bar

Edouard Manet, "Bar at the Folies Bergere," 1882
Mirrored images is a fascinating subject for figurative works. There's a famous painting by Edouard Manet wherein a mirror is a major part of the compostion. In Manet's painting we see a barmaid front and center, with a marble-top bar between us covered with bottles and a bowl. At first the figure to the right seems to be another barmaid, but she is really the reflection of the woman facing us. And facing her is a man with a mustache, wearing a hat (presumably it is us). Behind the three figures is a vast crowd of people, lights, at least two chandeliers and much else indistinct. It's a masterful use of composition to suggest deep space. 

"Coffee Bar," oil on panel, 12x9, private collection

Years ago I adapted Manet's composition to my own work to explore how to show deep space. The result, "Coffee Bar," went to a collector years ago. But I discovered the photo above, showing a young woman in a coffee bar. behind her is a shelf with a mirror above it. The counter in front of the woman has a napkin holder, sugar container and salt. Beneath it are various coffee cups and glasses. On the shelf behind are two ketchup bottles, reflected in the mirror. We see her back, the backs of the seating, and in the far distance another counter with various items. All together, there are seven or eight layers of depth.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Grey Days

"January Snow," watercolor on paper, about 3x5
If this January is like others these past few years, there will be dim, grey days with snowy haze and not much to see, unless you look closely. Once you do, muted colors are everywhere, from shadowy snowbanks to distant trees. Details merge and the world goes cold and soft.


Friday, December 27, 2024

West End Salvage

"West End," wc/ink on paper
Although the sketch group mainly goes outdoors to work, sometimes the weather chases us inside. Last weekend was dreary and cold so we elected to go to a local architectural salvage place that sells all of the stuff that's reclaimed from house and building demolitions--doors, fixtures, windows, etc. It has a coffee bar and tables and is usually uncrowded.