Friday, September 20, 2024

Morning, Afternoon, Evening

Painters in the past have done series of the same subject in order to delve into color, value and lighting--think, Monet's haystacks. A few years back I tried a few small series of sketches--usually three--in an attempt to do the same kind of study. The main point was to capture the light--color, intensity, shadow effects and all that--at different times of day, in oil paint. These were 6x8 gesso panels and there was a time limit of an hour, start to finish.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024


A bottle of pale blue ink fell on its side one day, so I painted it.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Silver Creamer

This casein sketch is one of a series of studies I did to learn the handling and other properties of casein paint. A silver creamer on a windowsill.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Clock and Two Bottles

And a Clock," casein on panel
This small still life is one of my first studio works using casein paint. Casein is a wonderful painting medium. This one enetered a private collection years ago.

Friday, September 06, 2024


"Nathans'," oil on illustration board
This oil is a view of a diner in Minneapolis.

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Study and Finish

Like many painters, many of my studio works develop through a combination of observation, photos, on the spot studies, and so on. 

"MacDougal Street." digital sketch
Here's a digital study I did of  a street in New York. It's an intersection along Macdougal Street in Manhattan's West Village. The two places with signs are both famous for their clientele over the decades, including beatniks in the 1950s, and Bob Dylan a few years later. This digital study was done using Sketchbook and a Wacom tablet to explore colors, compositions, and so on. 

The resultant oil painting is considerably different, but clearly is a result of the study. The final oil is a tall and large work on canvas. As you can see, the color palette is considerably different, and the sky, background and pavement have been changed to suggest twilight. And of course the three figures have been significantly modified and repositioned.

"MacDougal Street," oil on canvas, 36x18