Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Cartooning for Fun

Although I've never published a single panel, cartooning has been a secret love of mine. Over the decades I've drawn and discarded a lot of cartoons, but a few survived to moulder in my files. Here are a few of my cartoons from the past few years, just for fun.

The first cartoon (L)  was based on a guard I saw in the Louvre. She was actually snoring. Once I had the guard, the surrounding museum and visitor were simple to add. Some cartoons don't require a caption.

The now-famous Vietnamese soup, pho, is very trendy these days. Pho is made with beef, but it's usually rare. No options for "well-done" exist in a pho joint (or any asian restaurant for that matter). Some English-speakers may not realize that the word pho is actually pronounced "fuh" which results in no end of howlers on signs and so on. For example there is a pho-cooking contest called the Pho King.
The final cartoon for this post popped up based on musings about the Art World (the high-dollar art-investing market) and whether the buyers saw anything inside the frames but dollars. Of course, some are more conservative than others, preferring realism to abstraction.

Cartooning is an interesting genre because it can be as real or surreal as the artist desires. Cartoons like those published in fewer and fewer periodicals have always been my interest.

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