Friday, August 21, 2020

Back in the Outdoors

Iowa had truly dreadful weather last week--first an inland hurricane (well nearly) called a derecho blasted Iowa and Illinois, flattened crops and stripping trees, and then heat and humidity made people without power suffer for days. This week the weather is sunny, cooler, and not so humid. Taking advantage of that, I spent time painting outside this week.

Set up at Grays Lake
This time Gray's Lake beckoned. It's closer, there are wide grassy areas under huge trees, and the lake shore is always interesting. On the north shore there is a point of land like a straight finger that points to the south, covered with giant, ancient trees. The storm knocked a few big branches down but otherwise there wasn't much damage at all.

The day was pleasant and breezy and the point made an interesting subject. I painted for nearly three hours before the light changed too much.

"The Point, Grays Lake," oil on panel, 9x12

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