Friday, December 01, 2023

Something Different

"Breakfast," oil on panel, 8x10
These past few years virtually all of my work has been landscapes. Before the pandemic, the paintings I produced varied across the list of genres--still life, portraits, landscapes, and genres like "vanitas." Once in a while it's fun to post something besides landscapes. 

Here are some different things. "Breakfast," is a limited still life--a coffee cup and spoon on a gessoed panel. I primed the panel with a warm wash then painted the cup and spoon directly, alla prima, in about an hour. This was done some years back when I was trying to do at least one small oil sketch or painting every morning, as a studio warmup.

"Racing," casein on panel, 4x6

The second (above) is not only different is subject, it used a different medium than oil. This is a tiny casein painting on hardboard. The panel was gessoed, then primed thinly with burnt sienna. The scene is a sailboat race on Puget Sound, from a personal snapshot. Casein paint is milk-based and dries almost immediately as it leaves the brush, so I painted small. This tiny painting probably took thirty minutes to finish. It's long since gone to a private collection.

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