Tuesday, March 31, 2020


March has been a difficult month this year because of the widening pandemic. In many parts of this country people are under "lock down" orders--only allowed out to walk the dog, get groceries, see the doctor, or other essentials. It's not so strict here, and many who are furloughed from work want to get outdoors, shake off the doldrums. I've managed that by working in my gardens, though outdoor painting has been one of the things keeping me occupied.
Hoff, "March Skyline, " oil on panel, 11x14
This is another outdoor work--well, begun outdoors--that started earlier this month but had to be postponed owing to inclement or different weather. It was painted on the spot, only a few steps from the spot where I painted the most recent posting of outdoor work. The thing about painting outdoors is how it forces me to stay accurate in drawing and in color. I actually finished this in the studio in two more two hour sessions because the grass has changed color, the light is different now, and the undergrowth is now showing a hint of green. Too much to finish outdoors.

Despite the emergency, outdoor work will increase weekly as the season warms. 

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