Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Outside in April Too

So many people are keeping themselves away from others that the physical world has actually changed--cleaner air and water, quiet streets and wild creatures coming into cities to name only a few alterations. Many places are locked down and people are unable to go outdoors but here in Iowa the outdoors calls and we respond, most keeping their distance.

The closures of most workplaces and schools, though, means that our parks and trails are actually crowded with people as they seek sun and warmth after another midwestern winter. And that makes it harder to paint outdoors, at least for me, except here along Druid Hill Creek.

Yesterday was a warm sunny day, a relief after a week or more of high temperatures in the 40s. I spent two hours outside on the bank, working on a new view upstream. The sun was brilliant and warm and the honeysuckle has begun its spring explosion of growth. Today will be another two hours or so, basking in the sun and working.

If it goes well, I'll post another interim progress report.

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