Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Jester Park Paint Out

Last weekend I was privileged to participate in a paint out at Jester Park, in northwest Polk County. The paint out was organized the the county conservation board as a way to publicize county parks, conservation, and art. Happily, the weather cooperated with sun and moderate temperatures and humidity. 

The park lies on the shore of Saylorville Lake, a Corps of Engineers lake about seven miles or so north of Des Moines. It is huge and features golf, camping, hiking, boating, and other outdoor activities. 

Hoff, "At the Nature Center," oil on panel, 9x12

The six participating artists rotated among several assigned places around the park's Nature Center and not far away at a pond nestled among old growth woods that's full of fish and other wildlife.  

On Saturday I set up on the patio of the Center, a shady place that offered vistas of prairie and woods in three directions. As I was setting up I caught a glimpse of an elk, standing on a low ridge to the west--it is a life size bronze, one of several such along a sculpture trail that follows the high ground. There is other outdoor and indoor art there, too. The morning produced an oil and a watercolor, and the afternoon another oil. I did the oil paintings the usual way, starting with a thin wash of burnt sienna then sketching in basic compositional shapes with the same color and brush. After the very thin washes dry--generally only a few minutes--I lay in darks first then mid-tones and lights and highlights last. Because there wasn't much time left before lunch I sketched an image in graphite on a piece of 6x9 watercolor paper and did a quick study of the woods. This time I kept the paint very watery--"juicy"--and layered paint. When the colors were dry I used a technical pen to establish masses and emphasize edges. 

Hoff, "Jester Park Woods," watercolor on paper, 6x9

The next morning I spent several hours on the bank of that pond a half mile or so from the Nature Center. The varied woods, still water, and slanting light were great fun. 

Hoff, "Pond at Jester Park," oil on panel, 9x12
This was the first time a paint out has been held at the park, with a plan to make it an annual event. If so, my plan is to be back next year.

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